Covid-19 : “The CEO and founder of Paprec thanks his employees”
in an attempt to prevent a further deterioration of the health situation, the teams have been busy collecting and sorting waste to be able to provide the food-processing and pharmaceutical industries with the raw materials they require. Jean-Luc Petithuguenin thanked them for their dedication. “I am very proud of the incredible commitment that my teams have demonstrated since the beginning of this unprecedented global health crisis. They have all participated in the joint efforts required to enable the country to continue with their daily lives.”
To my teams: “You are magnificent.”
I am very proud of the incredible commitment that my teams have demonstrated since the beginning of this unprecedented global health crisis. They have all participated in the joint efforts required to enable the country to continue with their daily lives.
For example, providing recycled cardboard for food packaging, collecting and managing waste from hospitals, from the companies still operating and from the homes of our fellow citizens... These are all essential tasks.
So, a big thank you to my teams! To the hospitals, businesses and our fellow citizens: we are here for you, you can count on us.