La Corbeille Bleue specialises in multiple-waste solutions for business and government office buildings.
Present in the market for over 20 years, La Corbeille Bleue has expertise in all areas of recycling and can support you in a number of aspects:
- Compliance with your regulatory obligations
- Defining and achieving your environmental targets
- Developing your CSR activities
Banks, mutual insurers, consultancy firms, state agencies... La Corbeille Bleue offers flexible, scalable solutions for multiple-waste management on behalf of office buildings of all sizes and for networks of offices spread across the country.
Our subsidiary has over 300 employees and processes more than 15 of the Paprec group’s waste streams: paper, cardboard, ordinary industrial waste, cans, plastic bottles, plastic cups, toner cartridges, biowaste, electrical and electronic waste, wood, fluorescent tubes, batteries, metals, plastics, glass, furniture, etc...

We operate at every stage of your project to support you at all the crucial points :
- Conducting a full audit to evaluate your needs together
- Deploying the chosen solution with:
- Support in the implementation of your sorting equipment
- Installation of your storage facilities
- Training for your staff
- Guaranteed compliance with your regulatory obligations: collection, recycling, waste treatment in accordance with the five categories in France’s waste sorting decree, maintaining the waste register, etc.
- Managing your activity: reporting, internal communications media, obtaining certification.
Throughout the contract, we conduct daily monitoring with guaranteed compliance with French law for the whole service:
- Maintaining the waste monitoring register (Art. 541-41/46 of the French environmental code)
- Annual recycling certificate (decree of 10 March 2016)
- Continuous legislation watch and advice on a partnership basis
- Waste sorting decree no. 2016-288 of 10 March 2016. Obligation to sort at source
Faithful to the Paprec group’s CSR policy, La Corbeille Bleue also works alongside a variety of players and associations: WWF, Fastroad Apais, etc...
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