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Paprec Métal, your scrap metal expert in western France

In just a few years, Paprec has become a key player in the scrap metal and recycling market. Its Paprec Métal division doubled in size in one year and now includes no less than 25 specialized production units across France.




sites in France

tons of materials processed per year

400 000

in revenue in 2022


A rapidly expanding metal division

Beyond the numerous commercial gains achieved in recent years, the group has made significant investments to improve its production capabilities and expand its expertise, particularly with the purchase of new equipment. The group has also recently completed several acquisitions (Menut, Garnier) and created a Demolition division to handle the dismantling of large structures: factories, submarines, airplanes, train carriages...

Paprec Métal has great expertise in its industry. We can handle any type of ferrous or non-ferrous metal.


Benoît Person - Directeur d’agence Paprec Metal Paprec Group

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